Saturday, 23 January 2010

Ohhhh its all gone wrong!!.... Recycle Your Furniture Newcastle

Oh what a morning I'm having, i thought i would share with you all..

After sleeping as i often do, I arrived at the studio late obviously battling through the crowds to get in the door.. (Maybe a bit over exaggerated that one!!)

I have opened up too find out my heaters have packed up or more to the point my gas has been used up, my £2.99 multi mix of Ibiza chill out bar tunes for some reason just isn't making me feel like I'm sat in a sunny bar over looking the sea instead I'm shivering away in a open air studio, My hoover bag has then exploded on me which has left me trying to hoover the floor with a dustpan and brush, not much suction there.. what it must have been like before the Dyson was invented ill never understand.

And to top it all off..Ive just got a lovely streak of Old English white paint down my black trousers, damn it!!...

Anyway looking to improve on today, on the bright side things can only look up. :-), Ive now got a lovely new pair of painting trousers, and i hated hoovering anyway.

Now sat here scratching my head looking at a 3 piece bedroom suite and wondering how i can make it gorgeous again.. How can i make it something that ugly desirable??.. maybe I'm having brain freeze but back to the grind stone i go.

Hope your all having a good day.

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We would love to hear from all of you out there interested in furniture recycling, our main aim is to promote awareness of of furniture recycling and proove that we dont always have to go out and buy new furniture sometimes all that is needed is to refunk your junk. Please comment

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